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About the Southdale
Electoral Division

Modern Architecture
The Southdale Electoral Division has a population of 23,095 people. From tight-knit neighborhoods to major thoroughfares, the Southdale Electoral Division is vast and diverse. It includes seven primary schools, three secondary schools, the Louis Riel Arts and Technology Centre, the Southdale Community Centre, Winawka Community Centre, shopping centers, numerous green spaces as well as industrial and residential areas.
  • Multiple dwellings: 139
  • Schools: 12
  • Total population: 23,095
  • Median age: 42.1
  • % Canadian citizens*: 93.1
  • Avg. family size: 2.9
  • Median household income*: $81,860

Here is the Manitoba Electoral Division Boundaries Commission’s (2018) full description of the Southdale Electoral Division: 


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River and the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Lot 316 RCMP; thence easterly along said straight line production, the northern limit of said Lot 316 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the northern limit of Lot 312 RCMP; thence easterly along the northern limits of Lots 312, 306, 298 and 291 RCMP and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southeasterly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Fermor Avenue; thence easterly along Fermor Avenue to the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southerly along said eastern limit to the intersection of the southern limit of Plan 3364 WLTO; thence westerly along the southern limit of said Plan 3364 and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of said Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southerly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence westerly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread to the point of commencement.

Smiling at Golf Course
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